About Us

About Us

The Samara Palmer Organization was birthed out of the tragic death of a beautiful toddler who lost her life to domestic violence. The child, caught in the crossroads where domestic violence and mental illness intersect, was violently attacked by a member of her own family.
Yet, Samara’s life was not in vain. She lives on to serve you.
Samara symbolizes a scenario that happens far too frequently. Whether the victim is a child or an adult who suffers loss of life or abuse of any kind—physical, sexual, emotional, financial—the impact of that trauma affects our families, communities and society as a whole.

Our Vision

Mental illness is an ominous threat to wellness. One must first recognize and accept that it is at the root of trauma.
We envision a future in which people who are seeking to be whole again find peace by learning the principles that lead to overall personal and family wellness.
“When providing services to others, there will be people who take advantage of the services and those who won’t. Still, others are simply too afraid to reach out for help. But the Samara Palmer Organization is here, shining a light, so that people can become empowered to find freedom and to reach their highest potential.” -Dr. Veronica P. Palmer